Images and text courteously supplied by the Centro Português de Serigrafia.

Nuno Teotónio Pereira

Born in Lisbon in 1922, this artist graduated as an Architect from the School of Fine Arts in Lisbon in 1949. After completing his studies, he dedicated many years of his career to a public organization focused on social housing. He collaborated closely with Luís Cabral on the POLIS Program in Covilhã. Throughout his career, he received numerous awards and honorable mentions, including the Valmor Awards in 1968, 71, and 75, the AICA Prize in 1985, the Municipal Prize of Lisbon Eugénio dos Santos in 1995, with an honorable mention in 1997, and the Architecture Prize in 2007 from the National Academy of Fine Arts. In 2003, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Porto, and in 2005 by the Technical University of Lisbon. Sadly, he passed away on January 20, 2016, in Lisbon.